or as we refer to him, Mr. Scott, came to our house on Tuesday to take a few pictures and interview B because
he is the John Deere customer of the month.
We are so proud of you daddy and appreciate all your hard work!! Congratulations on being named John Deere's Customer of the Month!!
Mr. Scott thought Raegen was just too much with his John Deere boots and constant chatter about tractors. He told him countless times that he was going to get him a tractor to play with and lo and behold if daddy didn't bring this home on Wednesday...
a great big tractor from Mr. Scott!!
Raegen fell in love immediately...and then noticed it had a hitch for a trailer! ha You can guess what we've been hearing the past few days. Needless to say, daddy's job is now to get a trailer for Raegen's tractor! ;)