Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chip of the 'ol....tooth!

Raegen enjoys "jamming" to music...any music...tv commercials, theme songs, anything! He often gets a little carried away and starts spinning in circles until he falls down. Well last week he did just that, but he landed with his mouth on the hearth of the fire place! OUCH! He cried for a good while, but there was never any blood so I thought he escaped without a scratch.

It wasn't until a day later when Billy was holding him that I noticed he chipped his tooth. Good thing they're not permanent!!


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Sugar and Spice or Snakes and Snails?

Poll has closed. It's a BOY!!!

Take the poll located on the right side of the screen. Will we be having another baby boy or a baby girl? What do you think?

If it's any help, I haven't had any dreams {like I did with Raegen, dreaming I was having a boy} and I just don't have that "feeling" with this baby. I did have severe morning sickness that lasted through week 15, quite unlike my mild morning sickness that ended at week 12 with Raegen. That info may help or confuse you more! I'm anxious to see what everyone else thinks we're having.

Is baby #3 a boy or a girl?