Saturday, June 27, 2009

VBS Family Night

Raegen's week of VBS concluded last night with a presentation for family and friends.
Raegen had quite a crowd of his own.
My parents drove over to see him as well as the Fason's and Kibbie.
He was quite upset that he couldn't sit with Papaw during the presentation.
When the children marched in he was wailing, pointing, and hollering "Papaw! Papaw!".
It was definitely one of those, "yes, that's my child" moments.
Raegen's age group, the 2 & 3 year olds, was first to perform.
I was thankful the hollering was over and didn't mind that he didn't sing a lick
and kept his hand in his mouth the ENTIRE time.
As you can tell from the above picture, we weren't seated very close, but it was a good thing he couldn't easily see us...know what I mean?! :)

I take that back about the hands in the mouth...they were removed when it was time to clap!

Here are a few of Raegen's teachers.
It seems he is known as the "hey!" boy.
It does seem to be a fave word for him though I encourage
him to expand his vocabulary with "hello", "hi", "help please", etc.
They told a story of earlier in the week when the kids were outside playing.
Raegen was riding a tricycle and fell off.
He just layed there on his back yelling,

Raegen and his entourage.
Uncle Frank & Auntie Mari Fason, Raegen, Mimi & Papaw,
and Mrs. Kibbie & baby Jonathan ;)
Thanks so much for coming to support Raegen!
{and if you want to know why my poor mother is squinting, it's because she's been battling a terrible eye infection for 3+ weeks now...I had promised her I wouldn't use the camera flash because we were outside, but I guess I lied...sorry mom!! Thanks for suffering for the sake of a good picture! :)}

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Sugar and Spice or Snakes and Snails?

Poll has closed. It's a BOY!!!

Take the poll located on the right side of the screen. Will we be having another baby boy or a baby girl? What do you think?

If it's any help, I haven't had any dreams {like I did with Raegen, dreaming I was having a boy} and I just don't have that "feeling" with this baby. I did have severe morning sickness that lasted through week 15, quite unlike my mild morning sickness that ended at week 12 with Raegen. That info may help or confuse you more! I'm anxious to see what everyone else thinks we're having.

Is baby #3 a boy or a girl?