Thursday, October 16, 2008

Used car lot??

Most days our backyard looks more like a used car lot than a fun place for Raegen to run and play. As you can see, the grass has suffered a little "wear and tear" itself. That should be changing soon though.

For close to a year Billy's been dealing with builders, architects, city planning commissions, etc. We had great plans to buy a specific plot of land and build a shop. Those doors have all closed, but another opportunity has presented itself. And of course, like all things in God's time, it's a better plan than we had! :) A building on 3 acres is available for Billy to lease (buy, if wanted) in an area that is much closer to the job sites. I am hopeful that he will be moved out of our house and backyard and into the said shop by January...though it is rumored it will be sooner. :) It's all logistics...there are some finishing touches that are pertinent to the move (i.e. fence/gate, new A/C unit, minor reconstruction of office space, etc.).
To be continued...


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Sugar and Spice or Snakes and Snails?

Poll has closed. It's a BOY!!!

Take the poll located on the right side of the screen. Will we be having another baby boy or a baby girl? What do you think?

If it's any help, I haven't had any dreams {like I did with Raegen, dreaming I was having a boy} and I just don't have that "feeling" with this baby. I did have severe morning sickness that lasted through week 15, quite unlike my mild morning sickness that ended at week 12 with Raegen. That info may help or confuse you more! I'm anxious to see what everyone else thinks we're having.

Is baby #3 a boy or a girl?