Kibbie took me to have my Lasik surgery yesterday. We were able to watch the surgery on someone just before it was my turn. However, I overhead someone say "we're next" and told Kibbie I wouldn't have my surgery for a little while. So she decided her and Raegen would do a little shopping. Little did I know I really was next! :) By the time I realized it, they were gone. I had shown Kib how to use my camera and thought she might get some nice disgusting pics I could share. ;) That did not happen (Yay for ya'll!), but I was ecstatic when I scrolled through my pictures this morning and saw this adorable picture of Raegen playing in the waiting room. Thanks Kib!!
3 months ago
I for one am very glad that you don't have any "nice disgusting" pictures to share from your surgery. ;~) I worked as a nurse for 7 years, but I can tell you there are two things that I can't handle too well ~
1. surgery (never worked there, just rotated through for a few days when I was in training)
2. anything to do with eyes.
I don't know how you watched it done! You go girl! :~)
Kent's first thought was "He looks like Billy." HAHA!
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