Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The knot has been tied...

I had the privilege of being a bridesmaid in Keisha's wedding a few weeks ago, December 27th to be exact. We were roommates in college many moons ago... :)
Here's the lovely bride with her "practice" bouquet...

Raegen wouldn't have survived the two day party (dinner rehearsal + wedding) so we shipped him off to his grandparents for the weekend. ;) The ringbearer was 17 months old (and so cute!). I couldn't help but think of Raegen each time I saw him...they would have had so much fun together.

Keisha and her daddy...don't start crying just yet!

As expected, the ringbearer had to be coaxed...

Summer made a beautiful flower girl...she too found all the "wedding" stuff a bit boring... :)

The plan was to have a beautiful outdoor wedding in the open chapel, but the Lord had weather plans that didn't fit that! It was extremely windy on top of the mountain and there was a constant drizzle of rain. Good thing Keisha's always prepared...Plan B!!

Krystal helps lace her up...

something blue...

Keisha is a beautiful person. She is very giving and speaks from the heart. Being a beautiful bride came easy...

A girl's got to eat!

Hayden wanted a little camera time!

That's what friends are for....just helping erase a little lipstick...

Kristal and Ja-K!!

Angela and momma Karen

We had quite the trek from our "primping" cabin to "Plan B" (which was a B-eautiful! log cabin with huge windows where you could watch the wonderful perfect). However, we had to get from point A to point B in that wonderful storm...perfect may not be the word I should have used. We huddled together, threw a huge plastic sheet on top, and held on for dear life...the wind was fierce! We made it in one piece and it was memorable. :) Ang has a great pic on her blog.
The ceremony was beautiful, thanks again Keisha for letting me be a part of such a wonderful day.

Kristal, "Hey ya'll, ya'll don't want to miss this!"

What a perfectly blessed day.


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Sugar and Spice or Snakes and Snails?

Poll has closed. It's a BOY!!!

Take the poll located on the right side of the screen. Will we be having another baby boy or a baby girl? What do you think?

If it's any help, I haven't had any dreams {like I did with Raegen, dreaming I was having a boy} and I just don't have that "feeling" with this baby. I did have severe morning sickness that lasted through week 15, quite unlike my mild morning sickness that ended at week 12 with Raegen. That info may help or confuse you more! I'm anxious to see what everyone else thinks we're having.

Is baby #3 a boy or a girl?