Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tube it up!!

April and I rode the gondola up the mountain to meet the boys for lunch.

We shared the small space with some fellow boarders and ever the eager learner, we hounded them for some tips and tricks! We asked, "How can we prevent this?" as I waved my hand in front of my face. :)

Had to have a picture of Billy's $10 burger (well, maybe it wasn't that much, but it definitely didn't come from the $1 menu!).

Me and my ski bum...

Mike and April

Who came up with this "big bang" mess?! What an really think ALL that came from a big bang? It's so humbling to see God's creation from a high vantage point.

After lunch we headed over to the tubing hill.

April had a blast...she is so fearless.

At the bottom of the hill we caught the Magic Carpet Ride for a trip back up the hill.

April getting a little spin action.

The guys were determined to get kicked wasn't entertaining enough on it's own so they kicked it up a notch. Here they are having a rumble tumble in the snow...

The guys had to tube as singles because they were wearing ski boots. Here's a fake action shot...haha...such dorks.

Billy spiced things up with a little dance action...

I was truly terrified of the tubing, but at the same time I think I enjoyed it most. :) I really thought I might fly up the bank and swish right through the air. The attendant could not verify to me that this was you see my concern!


Our last trip down I consented to some spin action....I screamed the entire time!

Time to get's ski time!

April bootin' up... (the guys skied on separate trails so I have no pics of them in action)

Break time!! We haven't mastered the art of snowboarding just yet so it is BRUTAL on our legs. We took several breaks so we could rest up and resume boarding down the mountain.

By the time we got down, the Peru lift was closing for the technically we skied until they closed the lift. ha! In reality, it took us 1 1/2 hours to get down the mountain. :) By the time we returned to the room the guys were already there...we tried the whole "we skied until they closed the lift" trick, but they quickly figured out that meant it took us waaay too long to get down the mountain. :) We haven't decided if we're skiing tonight or not...however, the hot tub is a must!
Here's a look at the front hall of the condo...filled with ski garb.


The Wallace Family said...

I agree looking at God's creation is humbling!

Bless your heart, I know that face plant hurt. You are a brave woman. I have never wanted to do anything like that, but the tubing looks like FUN!

Looking at that picture of your foot through the snow to the water, I was thinking good thing she is tiny! :~)

Great post and pictures!
Holly Wallace

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Poll has closed. It's a BOY!!!

Take the poll located on the right side of the screen. Will we be having another baby boy or a baby girl? What do you think?

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