It is a sad day when the following message appears:
There were errors during upload.
The following images were not uploaded.
2010-06-15 Splash Zone 177-1.jpg : You have exceeded your total photo upload quota.
We're sorry, but you have exceeded your photo upload quota. For more information, check out this Blogger help page.
Tears, people, tears. For now, I have purchased additional storage, but it might take up to 24 hours for it to be credited to my account {so no pics today}. I guess it's time to get serious about preserving the 'ol blog so I can take down the old posts and put up new without having to pay for storage year after year.
There are soooo many choices for turning your "blog into a book"...where do I begin?! Anyone have a "finished" copy of their blog book? Satisfied?
Here are just a few of my options:
BlogBinders- whooops! out of business... really?!
Oh, the choices. HELP me! Questions, comments, and answers, please!
3 months ago